Holiday Tips for Seniors
For us here in Eastern North Carlina one of the main things associated with the holidays is the delicious food. There seems to be an endless supply of rich and tasty dishes at every turn. You can’t turn down all of these delicious meals but you don’t want to gorge yourself either.
Tip #1 Try to fit in a light meal. Soup or salad for lunch or dinner.
Staying hydrated can sometimes get missed due to all the running around and all-around business of the holidays. Many seniors already suffer from dehydration and are on a special diet.
Tip #2 Drink lots of water and make sure there are healthy options available like fresh fruit and vegetables.
Alcoholic drinks frequently accompany holiday activities. Special care must be given in these situations as alcohol can react with other medications you may be taking and could cause adverse effects.
Tip #3 Consider offering festive non-alcohol drinks as well.
Don’t forget to exercise during the holidays!
Tip #4 Stay active!! Even if it’s just shopping at the mall or a quick walk around the block. Exercise is exercise.
Share those traditions. Consider letting someone else host the feasts and handle the cleanup. Organizing, cooking, and cleaning can result in a lot of holiday stress because you want everything just right. Let someone else in the family host and pass the tradition on.
Tip #5 Seniors still want to be involved, so have them cook a favorite dish to bring to the meal.
Travel is also very popular during the holidays. Whether you’re traveling by car, plane, or train, make sure you take time to rest. Travelling, especially during the holidays, can be exhausting.
Tip #6 Take a nap! Taking a nap or just watching a show in the recliner can make a big difference.
If you are having senior visitors over the holidays, make sure your home is accessible. Be wary of clutter and rugs that could be a tripping hazard.