How To Self-Quarantine For The Coronavirus
Why Self-Quarantine?
The CDC recommends that we quarantine if we think we have been exposed to COVID-19. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
What Does It Mean To Self-Quarantine?
A self-quarantine is when you separate yourself from others because you fear you have been exposed to the virus.
The most effective self-quarantine would have you stay in a private room that other members/animals of the household do not enter, as well as use a separate bathroom. If this isn’t possible, then you should always wear a mask to protect others. Only the person who is being quarantined needs to wear a mask, not the rest of the family.
Avoid visitors unless the person needs to be in your home.
When using a tissue, if you cough or sneeze, throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid sharing household items such as utensils, cups, plates, bedding, etc. Wash these well after using.
Clean frequently touched surfaces often such as countertops, door knobs, refrigerator handle, phones, keyboards, etc. shared home spaces should have good airflow such as using an air conditioner or open windows.